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Regular price $8.99 USD
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Malosol Mackerel, also known as V/P "Haifa," is a delicacy that originates from Eastern Europe, particularly popular in countries like Russia and Ukraine. The name "Malosol" translates to "lightly salted," signifying its preparation method, which involves using minimal salt to preserve the fish's natural flavor and texture.

The V/P "Haifa" variation of Malosol Mackerel is renowned for its high quality and distinctive taste. It is typically made from fresh mackerel, sourced from the pristine waters of the Black Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. The fish undergoes a meticulous process of cleaning and filleting before being lightly salted and packed.

What sets V/P "Haifa" apart is its superior quality control and attention to detail during the production process. Each step, from selection to packaging, is carefully monitored to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of excellence.

The result is a delectable delicacy with tender flesh, a rich, buttery flavor, and a delicate balance of saltiness that enhances rather than overwhelms the palate. Malosol Mackerel V/P "Haifa" is a versatile ingredient, perfect for appetizers, salads, sandwiches, or enjoyed on its own as a gourmet treat.

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